Lyrics VAST & VALUABLE – Wizard-Tin-Foil-Hat

Wizard-Tin-Foil-Hat Lyrics – VAST & VALUABLE

Title: Wizard-Tin-Foil-Hat

There is a hidden Beauty in Mathematics, in our Decimal System. I am unable to proof yet, wether this row is infinite or not, but if it is infinite, it tells something about the relation between quantities. Maybe you can simply explain this worthless calculation logically, for me it is just beautiful

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Lyrics VAST & VALUABLE – The 10.000 Names Of Lord Shiva

The 10.000 Names Of Lord Shiva Lyrics – VAST & VALUABLE

Title: The 10.000 Names Of Lord Shiva

In german, a soap box is for racing, downhill. This is a good night song for dreamers. I am in the Spirit Realm. Don’t touch me. Please. Crown Caps for Shiva, and Jet-Pipes for Everybody. Now i am become Death, the Destroyer of Worlds. Cobra Commander for President. In whose world is the pen mightier than the sword? Even Bukowski placed his bets on drowning
S: β€œHow does it feel to destroy everything that we’ve built?”

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Lyrics VAST & VALUABLE – Nightmare Factory

Nightmare Factory Lyrics – VAST & VALUABLE

Title: Nightmare Factory

When we recognize the speed of technical progress in one lifetime, all those dystopias appear not that far away. The Future of Warfare was always the Evolution of the machines. Sensor Technology and Intel Chips mounted on some Boston Dynamics Creature, which can fire intelligent magic bullets each second, which never fail, due to an 8K Camera where you can target every single pixel with a tracking algorithm which takes all physical calculations in account. Replace Skynet with an industrial complex of any modern state. And replace John Connor with any inferior resistance leader in a war, where production capacities are the only drivers. A Tactical-Drone/Satellite-Network connected to remote-tanks and mounted smartguns. Since the day, nuclear-weapons are in this world, it is a gesture of slight grandeur, not using them, which makes conventional warfare appear kinda humane. I know i am not the first to say this and i guess people seem to numb to all the hollywood fantasies. It’s just a stupid movie, it’s fiction – so it will not happen in reality. The next logical steps may not be Skynet, but way smarter weapon systems than nowadays, at least remote ones
In a world which is already connected like ours, why is it possible for politicians to develop, to buy and to make use of more and more newly conceived weapon systems? Will it ever end? When there is one army, there is always another. The basic technologies for this kind of weapons come from universities/taxes. We then buy them from military etats/taxes and after this we pay with blood/taxes when they are applied in wars. This is not a win-win scenario for everybody. You are Prometheus, feeding the Ferengi-Eagle and his Property. I am sorry, but someone has to lose the Jihad

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