telephone DEMO Lyrics – Deshian Molina
Singer: Deshian Molina
Title: telephone DEMO
Play “telephone DEMO”
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Lyrics and Translations
telephone DEMO Lyrics – Deshian Molina
Singer: Deshian Molina
Title: telephone DEMO
Play “telephone DEMO”
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wine red knuckles DEMO Lyrics – Deshian Molina
Singer: Deshian Molina
Title: wine red knuckles DEMO
Play “wine red knuckles…”
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wine red knuckles DEMO Lyrics – Deshian Molina
Singer: Deshian Molina
Title: wine red knuckles DEMO
Wine red knuckles, puffed up cheeks
Bloodshot sclera, soft long sleeves
antidote Lyrics – Deshian Molina
Singer: Deshian Molina
Title: antidote
I know it must be hard
It eating at your heart
antidote Lyrics – Deshian Molina
Singer: Deshian Molina
Title: antidote
I know it must be hard
It eating at your heart